40 day Rejuvenation
It's time for spring cleaning!
It's time to prepare your energy system for a better life during this year's activity seasons. This will be a daily, focused 40-day series to gently cleanse, further purify and align your energies with Spring's natural "Renewal and Rejuvenation" energies.
This Spring season is a notable time of regeneration, and reawakening. The entire Self can experience revival and renewal on every level!
After experiencing a quiet internal winter season when plans and ideas, like seeds, gestate themselves in the dark soil, it is time to now enter the springtime sunshine of cultivating these new ideas into action.
Enjoy a new space for self-discovery during these forty days. This is a period of time long understood to substantiate inner spiritual transformation.
Our theme for this fresh daily series is Rejuvenation!
Open your heart to be fully infused with this Remembrance, so your response to life can become even more generous!
During our daily fifteen minutes, a prism of Divine Energy will support and nurture you in your own personal journey.
At the end of our forty days of virtual connection each evening, Lynette will offer a Rejuvenation Integration webinar/phone conference, to assist you in realizing your new openings, and new structures into the foundations of your consciousness
You can join us for:
- the hour-long healing workshop Sunday 3/23
- the 40-day Rejuvenation series (starting 3/23) or
- both.
- Your children under 18 are included free of charge for the March 23 event
- Participate online or by phone (or if your children prefer to play or rest, they don't need to be online)
- If you aren't directly focused during a session, Lynette will include you energetically in the healing transmissions.
- The evening window of time will be sent to you after registration.
Springtime Transformation and Rejuvenation